Multitrack audio sequencer with editing, fx and much more! TRIAL VERSION! The most powerful multi-track audio recorder on Android packed with features like non-linear non-destructive editing with unlimited undo/redo, mixing, real-time effects and much more! Note that this is a TRIAL version of the full paid version and of course does not include saving of projects! Features:• Multitrack audio playback• Audio recording (while playing back other tracks)• Loop playback• Latency correction• Import of WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Ogg/Vorbis audio files• Import of mp3 (requires an optional download due to patents on mp3 if applicable to your country)• Mastering to stereo WAV, AIFF, FLAC or OGG file (in full version)• Metronome• Each track has controls for volume, panning, mute, solo, arm, 4-band EQ, 3 insert effects and output bus selection• Unlimited number of tracks (*)• Unlimited number of groups (*)• Real-time effects include: chorus, delay, dual delay, reverse delay, reverb, bandpass, highpass, lowpass, flanger, noisegate and tremolo (*)• Offline effects: fade in/out, normalize, reverse, pitch shift, time stretching• Non-linear non-destructive editing with move, trim, split, cut/copy/paste, remove, range editing• Unlimited undo/redo for editing facilities• Several grid options for aligning your samples (with tempo and time signature settings)• Repeat samples with several options to create loops• Add markers and quickly jump to them• Load/Save projects including loading projects from our desktop DAW Audio Evolution 5• Can use ES File Explorer to select samples for import (*) Depending on your hardware's capabilities Requirements:• 800x480 screen minimum (in landscape)• Android 2.2 or higher Demo limitations:• No loading, saving or mastering of projects• No 'save range' or 'save sample piece'• Recording and playback stops after 2 minutes If you like it, please buy the full version here on Google Play: If you have any suggestions, questions or want to report a bug, please contact us by email! If you write a negative review, that's fine, but please have the decency to contact us so we can actually solve your problem!! Planned features:• Cross-fades• Automation• MIDI sequencing• ...your ideas are welcome! Follow us on Twitter:!/AudioEvolution5Online manual: Note that the Tascam iXZ (for connecting a guitar or mic) does not work with all devices and lacks input monitoring, so buy at your own risk! History:1.4.3:• You can now store projects on external sd cards: the base Audio Evolution directory can be set in preferences• Fixed bug that could cause a crash on some devices• Deactivating the loop would still cause loop playback. Solved 1.4.1:• Mix-down/master to OGG Vorbis. Just as good as mp3, but patent free!• Loop markers are now correctly loaded from a project• Rendered app icon in different resolutions• Added 'New Project' to the combined load/save pop-up menu 1.4.0:• New icons that fit in better with Android• Automatic master volume reduction to prevent digital clipping when playing back multiple tracks• Changed recording code slightly which can decrease latency variation (jitter). We have spent more than a week analyzing and trying to improve audio latency, please see our extensive topic on latency in the online manual: Tags: audio, record, recording, recorder, multitrack, j4t, DAW, fourtrack, fourtracks, audio editing, audio mixing, audio mixer, mixer, mix, cubase, audio editor更多