The Numeric Fusion is a mathematical game which is designed according to clear mathematicalparameters. It is based on the functionality of basic mathematical concepts by which a lay mancan gain understanding regarding intricate processes of calculating various amounts at a singleattempt. This game involves a high span of human’s curiosity by giving a chance of playingindependently. Therefore it provides chances of gaining success along with omitting chances offailure by which a person always feels threatened. Distinctive levels of this game are deliberatelyfeatured and designed according to the mental feasibility of the player.Method:The calculation game is precisely divided into three different levels along with an allocatedpercentage of testing one’s mathematical knowledge; beginners , medium and expert.Each levels is further divided into twenty nine various stages by which a person canexperience the pleasure of learning and practicing variety formulas in amusement.Note: The calculation game is purely intellectual therefore there is no age limit prescribed forplaying it. It is purposely designed to assist all age groups for learning and practicingmathematical concepts in a playful manner.更多