Today we are going to focus on three new high school girls dress up who are starting a new year at high school. Start with rarity and style her hair in a twisted girl tail. dress her up in a light blue top with a precious necklace with pearls and sapphires. Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash. Mlp dress up. a purple skirt. Mlpeq dress up. a pair of boots with small heels and accessorize with some books and pencils. as fluttershy is a very good and serious student. Twilight Sparkle. Eq dress up. The next one is applejack and you can put her blonde hair in one or two girls tails and dress her with a white and green shirt. Rarity. a denim skirt and a brown belt tied around her waist with twilight sparkle in front. Equestria girls. Mlp dress up. a pair of cowboy boots and complete with a big hat with a rose and an sunset shimmer juice to carry. Applejack. Finally there is pinkie pie who needs her pink hair braided. Mlpeq dress up. a green dress with rainbow dash pink butterflies and a pair of glasses and a cute school bag dress up games.更多