-New Dragon fighter made from an inspired DB serties fan. If youlove anime, specifically shonen animes, then you gonna love this game. and even if youaren't an anime fan, you still gonna love this. Also a great way to Kill Some time.-if you love the DB series, or maybe you just love the good feelingof Goku fighting his arch nemesis such as frieza, the legendary Super Saiyan WarriorBroly, cell, Buu, then you gonna super love this game.INSTRUCTIONS:-Play as Goku from the DB series fighting his arch nemesis from the Anime. The game is very simple. you simply click on the controls to enable goku to shoot to the enemies and kill them. you can also use more attacks such as going super saiyan e.t.c.-Turn super saiyan as you go through the hard but fun levels. Unlock your full potential.best game to test your limit as a true saiyan warrior.更多