Let's enter into the amazing world of science experiments where kids will learn different experiments with lots of fun. Have you ever tried to make an electric motor car, calculator, an oven with pizza box at home and much more? If no, let's try with this latest educational game science Tricks & Experiments In Science College by GameiMake & you will get full of interest in science experiments with lots of fun. Here, you can learn interesting science facts from experiments with different materials that react in such a surprising ways. You will also find lots of science activities that can be done using simple materials found in your home.Features:- All science experiments are really very easy to perform and understand- Lots of different science experiments- Simple apparatus and materials used for each experiment- You will get the step by step procedure to perform experiments- A science summary attached to each experimentAbout GameiMakeGameiMake brings you the latest creations of most loved categories of games and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We are entirely devoted to build user friendly games related to fun and learning for better educational familiarities and enjoyment for kids. Stay with us for the latest updates of GameiMake on Google play and get more of educational games.Follow us on Google plus: https://plus.google.com/b/102753765537375816301/102753765537375816301Like us: https://www.facebook.com/gameimake/Follow us: https://twitter.com/GameiMakeWatch our game videos:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQYvjuDzMiK9OraEerUu_wWe will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime for any questions and suggestions at gameimakes@gmail.com更多