The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Application has been designed for Consultants, Staff, GPs and local Allied Health Professionals. It is designed specifically with hospital information, which can be updated at anytime to meet these clinical users needs. The features include: A Healthcare Phone DirectoryA directory of services and ClinicsLocal Clinical Pathway GuidesEducational LinksA training log for appraisalsA reminder system for clinical follow-upA news line for Pennine Acute Trust to inform front line cliniciansA feedback system for Pennine Acute Trust to get information from the “grass-roots” The application will be the easiest and quickest way for clinicians to contact any of the Trust's hospitals, record their educational activities or ensure a result can be followed up and actioned. It will make a clinicians working life easier and be used every day. It provides the perfect opportunity for the Trust to inform and educate clinicians regarding new pathways and services. It gives all clinicians the opportunity to become truly involved in developing improved care. DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this application is intended for healthcare professionals use only and should not be construed as a substitute for medical advice. Healthcare professionals outside the Pennine Acute Trust Area area should not assume that the information is appropriate for their own region. SmartGP, Applickable Limited, its Directors, Employees, Servants and Agents hereby disclaim any and all liability for any losses or damages that a User or Licensee may incur through the use of SmartGP. All Users or Licensees use SmartGP strictly on the basis that they have made their own inquiries or investigations of the information contained herein and such use is on the basis of acceptance of this Disclaimer. Please note: Information on this site and displayed in our mobile applications is either obtained from publicly available data or provided by persons other than SmartGP. If you believe the data about you is inaccurate or should not be available on this site or mobile applications, please contact SmartGP who will take such steps as they can to correct the situation. 奔宁急性医院NHS信托已申请设计顾问,工作人员,GPS和地方的专职医疗人员。它是专门与医院的信息,这些信息可以在任何时候更新,以满足这些临床用户的需求。 这些功能包括: 医疗保健电话目录目录服务和诊所本地临床路径指南教育链接考核的培训日志临床随访提示系统一个新闻线奔宁急性信托告知前线医生奔宁急性信托的反馈系统来获取信息从“基层” 该应用程序将是最简单,最快捷的方式为临床医生联系任何信托的医院,记录他们的教育活动或确保结果可跟进和采取行动。它将使一个医生的工作生活更轻松,每天使用。 它提供了绝好的机会,为信托,以宣传和教育的新途径和新服务的临床医师。它提供了所有临床医生有机会成为真正参与开发改进护理。 免责声明:在这个应用程序中提供的信息的目的是为医疗保健专业人员只使用,不应该被解释为医疗建议的替代品。医疗专业人员外的的奔宁急性信托区面积不应承担该信息是适合自己的区域。 :SmartGP,Applickable有限公司,其董事,雇员,公务员及代理商特此声明,用户或的许可可能产生通过SmartGP使用的任何损失或损害的任何及所有责任。所有的用户或持牌人使用SmartGP的严格的基础上,他们提出了自己的查询或调查所载的信息,此类使用的基础上,接受本免责声明的。 请注意:本网站上的信息,并显示在我们的移动应用程序可以从公开资料中获得,或由其他人比SmartGP。如果你认为你的数据不准确或无法使用本网站或移动应用,请联系SmartGP将采取这样的步骤,因为他们可以纠正这种情况。 更多