하우스토리 :: 아파트구할 때 필요한 App应用简介
하우스토리 :: 아파트구할 때 필요한 App2025更新内容
2014-10-11 (v2.5)1. 디자인 변경2. 매매방식에 분양권추가3. 사진매물 등록시 버그수정2014-08-13 (v2.3)1. 디자인 및 레이아웃 변경2. 버그 수정3. 구글맵 업그레이드4. 매물에 태그기능 부여
하우스토리 :: 아파트구할 때 필요한 App功能介绍
《하우스토리 :: 아파트구할 때 필요한 App》是一款提供寻找公寓的应用程序。以下是该应用程序的功能说明:
1. 首先,该应用程序会提供最准确和最快速的实时房地产信息。
2. 用户可以查看实际入住者上传的公寓照片,以获取更真实的信息。
3. 应用程序提供了公寓的报价和相关信息,用户可以一目了然地了解附近的公寓选项。
4. 该应用程序由房地产经纪人直接运营和管理,可信度较高。
5. 用户在寻找公寓时可能会考虑以下因素:
- 孩子的学校是否附近?
- 附近是否有大型超市或商业区,方便市场购物?
- 公寓的室内和外观如何?
- 入住者与邻居的沟通是否良好?
- 是否有附近的运动设施,方便进行运动?
6. 使用하우스토리应用程序可以解决上述不便之处。
7. 如需了解更多信息,请联系系统管理部门:스미스마케팅그룹, 어플코리아,电话:062-365-1231,电子邮件:smpromotion@。
8. 内部实验室将继续为用户提供公寓信息。
하우스토리 :: 아파트구할 때 필요한 App产品特色
“HouseStory: When looking for an apartment, don't go around searching!
HouseStory is an app that allows you to quickly and accurately check the information of apartment listings in your area, based on apartment complex information, nearby commercial areas, schools, sports facilities, and the surrounding environment through the Street View feature.
★★★★★: The most accurate and fastest real-time listing information
★★★★★: Apartment photos posted directly by current residents
★★★★★: A comprehensive view of the current apartment market and listings in your area
★★★★★: Managed and operated by real estate agents
★★★★★: The most trustworthy and genuine listings
▶ What do you consider when looking for an apartment?
/ Is the school close to our children?
/ Is there a nearby supermarket or commercial area for convenient shopping?
/ What are the interior and exterior photos of the apartment like?
/ Are there good communication and relations