Here is our first Telugu Reader App, called 'Telugu Freedom Fighters', in which we bring very unique reading experience in your android devices.You can find the android's best telugu reader app showing the Indian Freedom Fight movement that happened in Telugu region of Andhra Pradesh and other places of India. You will find the stories of the great Indian Freedom Movement fighters,Surwaram Pratap ReddyPotti Sri RamuluSarojini NaiduAlluri Seetha Rama RajuPingalli VenkayyaTanguturi Prakasam PanthuluMaqdoom MohiuddinNG RangaSwami Ramamnada ThirdhaKomma BheemThe app will allow you to change the reading layout (White, Black, Classic and Modern Layout) and Font Sizes to fit your mobile sizes and your comfort for reading. You can also bookmark the pages for reading it later.Let us know, how is your experience with our reader app, we are happy to introduce more and more such Telugu apps in future. Your encouragement will definitely help us compiling various stories and articles in Telugu.更多