If you love Anime and puzzles, you'll love this new take on the classic sliding tile puzzle. Featuring Anime pictures, unlike other puzzles that have an empty space to move around, this game gives you the full picture. You slide the rows and columns on the game table to move the tiles, as a tile moves off the end of the game table; it reappears on the opposite side. This makes the game a physically impossible version of the classic cube puzzle (such as the Rubik’s Cube), which could only exist on a game machine. Like the cube, you need a strategy to move the tiles without disturbing the ones that are already in place. Start with all the tiles in one piece, then press the "Mix Picture" button to randomly mix up the tiles. Watch carefully as they mix up, maybe you can remember all of the moves. Now all you have to do is try to put the tiles back together again in the quickest possible time and the least number of moves. If you can remember the moves that mixed them up, you can just work backwards until they are back in order. Choose from over 20 different pictures, and 3 different levels. If you get stuck, touch "Toggle Help" to show the correct positions of each tile. Sign in with your Google+ account to share your best times on the leader boards, but if you don't want to share, that's OK. Just try to beat your own times! 如果你热爱动漫和困惑,你一定会喜欢上的滑动瓷砖拼图经典新服。拥有动漫图片,不像有一个空的空间走动等难题,这场比赛给你的全貌。你上滑动的游戏表的行和列来移动瓦片,作为瓦离开该游戏桌的端部;它再次出现在相对侧上。这使得游戏的经典魔方益智物理上是不可能的版本(如魔方),这只能存在游戏机上。像魔方,你需要有一个策略来移动的瓷砖,而不会干扰那些都已经到位。 开始在一块所有的瓷砖,然后按“驴友图片”按钮,随机搭配了瓷砖。仔细观察,因为他们混淆了,也许你能记住所有的招式。 现在,所有你需要做的就是尽量把瓦片重新结合在一起,在最快的时间和最少的动作。如果你能记住它们混合起来的动作,你可以倒推,直到他们回到了秩序。 选择超过20种不同的图片,和3个不同的层次。如果您遇到问题,触摸“切换帮助”,以显示每瓦的正确位置。 请用你的Google+帐户上的领先板分享你的最好成绩,但如果你不想分享,那也无妨。刚刚尝试击败你自己的时代!更多