This is a must have app for finding urgent NHS AE contacts while out and about in UK. This app helps user find addresses and contact numbers of NHS services near them. User can use filters to narrow down searches. In addition to urgent care services like AE or pharmacy, or you user will also be able to find other services like GP or dentist. It uses GPS location of the Android to locate user and show nearby NHS services on a map. Travel direction is also provided. Please note this free app is supported by ads. An ad free version is also available at small price. Search for . # NEW FEATURES #- Frequent contact details for GPs, hospitals can now be saved locally in the app Data source: NHS Choices. 这对于寻找紧急NHS的急症接触而外出走动在英国的一个必须有应用程序。 这个程序可以帮助他们附近用户查找地址和NHS服务的联络号码。用户可以使用过滤器来缩小搜索。除了紧急护理服务,例如急症或药房,或者你的用户也将能够找到其他的服务,如家庭医生或牙医。 它采用了Android的GPS定位来定位用户,并在地图上显示附近的NHS服务。行进方向也被提供。 请注意,这个免费的应用程序是由广告支持。广告的免费版本也可在小的代价。搜索“免费广告 - 寻找NHS的服务”。 #新功能#- 频繁联系医生,医院现在可以在本地应用程序保存 数据来源:NHS选择。 更多