Thank you for taking the time to download our app! Diamond Motors, Trailer Sales and Leasing is a leading provider of used commercial trucks, trailers and construction equipment, located in the beautiful Upstate of South Carolina! Feel Free to browse our inventory or call for a more personalized service. Our great quality and unsurpassed customer service have been recognized in the industry as nothing short of top notch. Feel free to browse our listings 24/7, 365 days a year! Here at Diamond Motors, Trailer Sales and Leasing, we put YOU on the SUCCESS! Se Habla Espanol! 感谢您抽出时间来下载我们的应用程序!钻石汽车,挂车销售和租赁使用的商用卡车,挂车和建筑设备,坐落在美丽的南卡罗来纳州北部的领先供应商!随时浏览我们的存货或要求更个性化的服务。我们伟大的品质和卓越的客户服务,在同行业中已被确认没有短的顶尖。随意浏览我们的列表24/7,一年365天!在这里,在钻石,汽车,挂车销售和租赁,我们把你的道路上走向成功!硒哈布拉西班牙语! 更多