The Fiesta Americana Villas Cancun AppConnect application is a Free application that works with the Access Code at Fiesta Americana Villas Cancun hotel. The app will connect over both Wi-Fi and 3G Data connections, but will prefer Wi-Fi when both are present.Voice Calls Send or Receive VoIP calls from the Connect to World screen. Either browse the Contacts on your phone via the Contacts button to select an existing contact or enter a number directly on the keypad. SMS Messages Send or read receive SMS messages from the Connect to World .” The preamble will identify to your family and friends that you will be communicating with the temporary 10-digit phone number during your trip. Buddies You may add other members of your travel group or other guest you have met by adding their email address / user Id. Once added as a Buddy, you may see the Buddy’s presence, status, send IM Chat, send SMS, or call a Buddy through the Guest Connect Screen.Add a Buddy by ….. IM Chat This feature functions like other IM Chat clients and allows IM communication between Buddies. You may change your Status by pressing the Status button and selecting the status seen by your Buddies.This application has assigned you a temporary 10-Digit phone number from which to send and receive both SMS and Voice calls. You can see what number you have been assigned under Home-Settings. The assigned 10-Digit number will remain the same for the duration of your trip and while your account is active. 嘉年华美洲别墅的坎昆AppConnect应用程序是一个免费的应用程序,与嘉年华美洲别墅坎昆酒店的接入码。 该应用程序将连接通过Wi-Fi和3G数据连接,但会喜欢的Wi-Fi时,两者都存在。语音呼叫 发送或接收VoIP通话连接世界画面。无论是浏览您的手机上的联系人,通过“联系人”按钮,选择一个现有的接触或直接在键盘上输入一个号码。 SMS消息 发送或从“连接世界短信按钮,读取接收短信。这些短信不会发送从你的细胞载体,将发送“约翰在墨西哥度假的序言说... 。”序言将确定你的家人和朋友,你将临时通信10位数的电话号码,在您的旅行。 哥儿们 您可以添加其他成员加入他们的电子邮件地址/用户ID,您的旅行组或其他来宾,你见过。加为好友后,您可能会看到巴迪的存在,状态,发送IM聊天,发送短信,或致电一位好友通过客户机连接屏幕。添加好友..... IM聊天 这个功能就像其他IM聊天客户端,让伙伴之间的即时通信。你也许会改变你的状态,按下状态按钮,选择你的伙伴看到的状态。此应用程序为您分配一个临时的10位数的电话号码,在发送和接收SMS和语音通话。你可以看到什么号码已分配首页 - 设置下。分配的10位数字将保持不变,为您的旅行时间,当您的帐户活跃。 更多