Use the MTN Store Locator to find your nearest MTN Store. If you are looking for the latest cell phone deals, contact details, directions or somewhere to find the quickest, friendliest assistance and service the MTN store locator is your solution. View where your closest stores are in your reality, on a map or in a list format and be guided right to the front door. The list view enables you to see the stores as they range from the closest distance to the furthest from where you are standing. The map view shows the store location on your local map and even gives you a streetview of the stores. When you click on a store the app will give you the following options to contact the store.-Call the store-SMS the store.-Email the store.-Go the MTN website to view the latest specials. In addition the take me there fuction will provide you with step by step navigation to reach the selected store. This app requires that the Layar Augmented Reality Platform is installed on your device and provides a shortcut to the Market if it is missing. Layar is a free download. MTN Everywhere you go 使用MTN分店,找到离你最近MTN商店。如果您正在寻找最新的手机交易,联系方式,指示或某处找到的最快的,友好的援助和服务的MTN商店定位器是您的解决方案。查看离您最近的商店都在你的现实,在地图上或列表格式,被引导到前门的权利。 列表视图使您能够看到商店,因为它们的范围从最近的距离最远的你站在哪里。 地图视图显示在您的本地地图存储位置,甚至给你一个街景的门店。 当你点击一家商店的应用程序会给你联系店家下列选项。呼叫店SMS商店。- 电子邮件店里。转到的MTN网站查看最新的特价。 此外,带我去那里机能的将为您提供一步一步的导航到达选定的商店。此应用程序需要拉亚增强现实(Augmented Reality)平台的设备上安装和向市场提供了一条捷径,如果缺少。拉亚是一个免费下载。 MTN无论你走到哪里 更多