Instantly find high yield stocks paying high dividends with next quarter dividends projected. Automatically screens for the best dividend Payout Ratio, P/E and Profit Margin. The fields are color coded for buy strength with Payout Ratio green for ratios less than 50% and red for ratios above 50%. Profit Margins less than 25% are red, orange above 25% to 70% and green after 70%. P/E Ratio’s below 20% are green and red above 20%. A company with a 50% payout ratio (the ratio of dividend per share to earnings per share) has at least twice the earnings per dividend they pay out. Companies with high profit margins, 70% or better are generally safer investments when a decline in sales occurs. A low P/E Ratio indicates cheaper stock with more upside than downside potential and should provide a better long-term return. In general, high yield stocks paying high dividends, typically above 5-10% provide a steady income with growth potential. Rule of 72 states, if you invest in a stock with a 10% yield, you will double your investment in 7 years from the dividend alone. 立即找到高收益的股票支付高分红与预计下一季度股息。自动筛选最佳派息比率,P / E和利润率。该字段是颜色编码的买入强度与支付率绿色比小于50%,并且红色的50%以上的比例。利润率低于25%是红色,橙色25%至70%以上和后70%的绿色。 P / E比率的20%以下,是绿色和红色的20%以上。 某公司有50%的派息比率(每股股息每股收益的比率)有至少两次分红每盈余他们交出来。公司以高利润率,70%或更好的一般都是比较安全的投资,当出现滞销发生。低P / E比率指示较大的上涨空间大于下跌空间,并应提供更好的长期回报更便宜的股票。 一般情况下,高收益的股票支付高分红,通常高于5-10%为具有增长潜力的一个稳定的收入。 72国的规则,如果你在一个股票投资与收益率10%,你会加倍单从股息7年的投资。 更多