THIS APP DOES NOT USING THE CAMERA OR KEYING GREEN SCREEN OUT OF PHOTOS! This app can be used as a small and portable green screen. You can film your fingers for example in front of your screen and easily mask them out or just replace your phone display by keying out the green color using after effects for example. Features:* Green / Blue Screens to choose.* Customizable Tracking Points. 此应用程序不使用相机或键控绿屏出来的照片的! 这个应用程序可以作为一个小型的便携式绿色屏障。您可以拍摄你的手指,例如在你的屏幕前,轻松地掩盖了出来,或只需更换手机显示屏按键出绿色例如影响后使用。 产品特点:*绿/蓝画面选择。*可定制的跟踪点。 更多