This is Finnish - Russian and Russian- Finnish Dictionary (Финско-русский и русско-финский словарь, Suomi - ven-suomi sanakirja), containing 11000 translation articles. The Dictionary is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database size is more than 3MB. It will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection. Main features:1. History – every word you ever viewed is stored in history.2. Favorites – you are able to add words to favorites list by clicking the “star” icon.3. Managing History and Favorites lists – you are able edit those lists or clear them.4. Various Settings – you may change application’s font and theme (choose one of several color themes).5. Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (requires internet connection). Powered by iSpeech.6. Context word search – click any word in translation article and search for it’s translation.7. Random word of the day widget. To see the widget in the list the application must be installed to phone memory (dictionary database may be installed anywhere).This app contains advertising. 这是芬兰 - 俄语和英语 - 英语字典(Финско-русскийирусско-финскийсловарь,芬兰语 - ven-芬兰语sanakirja),包含11000的翻译文章。该词典是离线,并不需要互联网连接。 数据库的大小超过3MB。当应用程序运行它第一次将被下载。我们建议您使用Wi-Fi连接。 主要特点:1。历史 - 每一个你曾经看字存储在历史上。2。我的最爱 - 你可以通过点击“星”字图标添加到收藏夹列表中。3。管理历史和收藏夹列表 - 你可以编辑这些列表或清除它们。4。各种设置 - 你可以改变应用程序的字体和主题(选择几种颜色的主题之一)。5。单词拼写,使用文本到语音转换模块(需要互联网连接)。本站由iSpeech。6。语境词搜索 - 点击任何单词在翻译的文章,搜索它的翻译。7。当天部件的随机字。看到小部件的应用程序必须安装到手机内存列表(字典数据库可以安装在任何地方)。这个程序包含广告。 更多