gStrings is a chromatic tuner application measuring sound pitch and intensity. It will let you tune any musical instrument (violin, viola, violoncello, bass, guitar, piano, wind instruments, your own voice/singing). Features include:1. multiple built-in instruments and tunings,2. support for user-defined custom tunings,3. a long list of built-in temperaments (just, pythagorean, meantone, comma, etc.),4. support for user-defined custom temperaments,5. orchestra tuning (shifting/redefining tone frequencies),6. pitch pipe,and many more. If you were looking for a guitar tuner, try it! (*) the INTERNET permission is used for ads only. (**) most of the historic temperaments were included courtesy of NetCat AG. GString的是一个半音调音器应用程序测量声音调和强度。 它可以让你调整任何乐器(小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,贝司,吉他,钢琴,管乐器,自己的声音/唱)。 其特点包括:1.多种内置仪器和调音,2.用户自定义调音的支持,3.一长串内置的气质(只是,毕达哥拉斯,中间音调,逗号等),4.用户自定义的气质支持,5.乐团调整(移动/重新定义音调频率),6.律管,还有很多。 如果你正在寻找一个吉他调谐器,试试吧! (*)INTERNET权限仅用于广告。 (**)最古老的气质被列入NetCat的股份公司提供。 更多