这是电子书?不是!,这是游戏??也不是!! 这是为儿童英语教学全新设计的 3D 互动应用! 每一等级包含 10 个故事,每次都让孩子在了解主人公名字、颜色等基本信息后,通过游戏亲自经历一遍故事中的场景。 孩子边玩边学英语,不用担心会像其他游戏那样让孩子上瘾。即使上瘾了,爱上学习不是更好吗? Step I 1.Personnel actor / like to learn expressions 2.Learn the name and function of the body, the body 3.Learning the concept of color 4.Applications for the shape and appearance learning 5.Learn the basic verbs and possessive Step II 1.Fraud and concept learning objects can be 2.Study animals and Features 3.Learning and utilizing the base of the statue Learning 4.A basic knowledge of science learning 5.Special occasions and anniversaries concept of learning Step III 1.To talk about hobbies 2.Learning about the sound of the instrument, and the instrument 3.Adjectives to read and understand 4.Features and vocational courses to learn 5.Features and enable the learning of the season更多