Order now a drink more easily with My Bar Drink Order! A free app to realize your orders in a few seconds. This app is available in English, French. Features: * Create, modify and delete your bars.* Add specific drink, price and currency for each bar.* Create your orders for your bar and add drink you want ordering.* Automatic calculation of the price for each sort of drink and for all drinks in the order. Don't worry anymore, just order! Tags: drink, drinks, order, pub, bar, party, vodka, wine, whiskey, tequila, cocktails, liquers, rum, beer, gin, bill, club, drunk, alcohol, shot. 现在订购饮料更容易地与我的酒吧饮酒订购! 一个免费的应用程序,以实现您的订单在几秒钟。 这个程序是可以用英语,法语。 特点: *创建,修改和删除您的酒吧。*添加特定的饮料,价格和货币为每个酒吧。*创建您的订单,你的酒吧,并添加你想订购的饮料。*自动计算的价格为每个类的饮料和饮料的顺序。 不要担心了,只是为了! 标签:饮料,饮料,秩序,酒馆,酒吧,派对,伏特加,葡萄酒,威士忌,龙舌兰酒,鸡尾酒,liquers,朗姆酒,啤酒,杜松子酒,票据,俱乐部,醉了,酒精,射击。 更多