Bring the beauty and wonder of abstract art to your device with this abstract live wallpaper. The scene is centered on two conflicting colors, blue and violet, that are clashing in the center of the screen to create a beautiful abstract light design as energy particles fly up all around it. This abstract live wallpaper will give your device a unique and artful look that will impress everyone you show it too. 带上您的设备与抽象艺术这个抽象的动态壁纸的美丽和奇迹。场景是集中在两个相互矛盾的颜色,蓝,紫,创造一个美好的高能粒子飞起来了周围的一切抽象的灯光设计在屏幕的中心冲突。这种抽象的动态壁纸,会给你的设备的独特和巧妙的外观让人印象深刻,大家也显示。 更多