Asthma Tracker & Log (free)应用简介
Asthma Tracker & Log (free)2024更新内容
- Updates to time editing when editing a log entry
Asthma Tracker & Log (free)功能介绍
《Asthma Tracker & Log (free)》是一款应用,以下是它的主要功能:
1. 追踪哮喘发作:你可以使用该应用记录你的哮喘发作情况。你可以记录发作的频率、持续时间以及发作时的位置。
2. 记录峰流速仪读数:如果你有哮喘或慢性阻塞性肺病,你可以使用该应用记录峰流速仪的读数。这有助于你了解你的肺功能状况。
3. 追踪发作触发因素:应用提供默认的触发因素选项,但你也可以根据自己的情况添加、删除和编辑触发因素。你可以记录每次发作的触发因素,从而更好地了解你的哮喘触发因素。
4. 记录治疗情况:你可以记录你对哮喘发作的治疗方法,包括使用哪些药物或采取哪些措施来缓解症状。
5. 图表显示数据:应用提供图表显示你的哮喘发作情况和峰流速仪读数。注意,图表数据需要有两天以上的数据才能显示。
6. 多用户功能:你可以在应用中添加多个用户,方便多人使用。
7. 提供默认选项:应用提供了一些默认的选项,如位置、触发因素等,方便你快速记录。
8. 可自定义选项:你可以根据自己的要求添加、删除和编辑选项,使应用更符合你的需求。
9. 简化管理:应用的界面简洁易用,方便你管理和查看你的哮喘日记和数据。
10. 反馈和建议:应用开发者欢迎用户提出自己的想法和建议,以便不断改进应用。
Asthma Tracker & Log (free)产品特色
Asthma Tracker Multi User is the #1 most downloaded asthma journal on Google Play, and for good reason. This convenient app allows you to not only keep a journal of your asthma attacks but also track your peak flow meter readings if you have asthma or COPD.
Keeping track of your asthma attacks is crucial for effectively managing your condition, and Asthma Tracker makes it easy. You can track the frequency of your attacks, the length of each attack, and even where you were when it started. This information can be invaluable for identifying triggers and patterns in your asthma symptoms.
What sets Asthma Tracker apart from other similar apps is its multi-user functionality. This means that you can use the app to track not only your own asthma attacks but also those of your family members or other loved ones who have asthma. This feature makes it a convenient tool for parents with children who suffer from asthma.
The app also allows you to track the triggers that may have caused your as