09/04/2013 **** Aortic Valve, The Left Atrium and Congenital Heart Defects images were added to samples database 17/03/2013 **** for CURRENT INFO visit www.cardio3.com 13/02/2012 - Finally we have launched the full version of this atlas :) See CARDIO3 3D ECHO in the list of our apps. 01/13/2012 we have included the normal anatomy and pathology of the aortic valve images to the underlying database :) let the demon select cases :) Do you have an interesting case in your clinical practice? To be a contributor? Mail to info@cardio3.com ... ****** Lite version offers the list of sample echocardiograms, updated on daily basis. The app requires Internet connection.Authors : Josef Necas, M.D., Sylva Kovalova, M.D., Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery and Transplantation, Brno , Czech Republic CARDIO3 Atlas of Three-dimensional Echocardiography - reference/learning tool for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, internists, other physicians, and sonographers evaluating 3D echocardiograms for ultrasound diagnosis. In our atlas we have collected typical as well as rare and sometimes even bizarre of real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE) findings we meet in daily routine. The first chapter deals with mitral valve pathology and is subdivided into several sections: normal mitral valve and functional regurgitation, prolapse, Barlow disease, infective endocarditis, mitral stenosis, mitral valvuloplasty ring, mitral prosthesis (mechanical and biological) and various. Other chapters including aortic valve disease or normal anatomy and abnormalities of the left atrium are coming soon. 2013年9月4日****主动脉瓣,左心房和先天性心脏缺陷的图像添加到样本数据库 17/03/2013 ****当前信息访问www.cardio3.com的 13/02/2012 - 最后,我们已经推出了完整版的这本地图集:) CARDIO33D ECHO在我们的应用程序列表。 2012年1月13日我们正常的解剖结构和病变的主动脉瓣图像基础数据库的:)让恶魔选择情况下:) 你是否在您的临床实践中有一个有趣的案例吗?要成为一个贡献者?邮件info@cardio3.com ******精简版版本提供的样品超声心动图,每天更新一次。该应用程序需要互联网连接。作者:约瑟夫席尔瓦Kovalova,医学中心心血管外科和移植,布尔诺,捷克共和国,MD,Necas CARDIO3三维超声心动图图集 - 心脏科,心脏外科,内科,其他医生和超声检查评价三维超声心动图超声诊断的参考/学习工具。 在我们的地图集,我们已经收集了典型以及罕见的,有时甚至是离奇的实时三维经食道超声心动图(RT-3D TEE)发现,我们在日常见面。 第一章处理二尖瓣病变,被细分成几个部分:正常二尖瓣功能不全,脱垂,巴洛疾病,感染性心内膜炎,二尖瓣狭窄,二尖瓣成形术环,二尖瓣假体(机械生物)及各种。 即将推出的其他章节,包括主动脉瓣病变或正常的解剖结构和左心房异常。 更多