This is the App of the Family Ministries Department for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America. You may access several features that will be of benefit to you including: 1. Daily Devotional on family topics2. News and Resources for your family and for those who work on behalf of families.3. List of Counselors available in your area.4. Calendar of Family Ministry events throughout the North American Division5. AdventSource Store- If you are a Family Ministries Coordinator in your church or a Conference or Union Director, you will find links to materials and resources you can use in your ministry to families. 这是App家庭事工部基督复临安息日教会在北美。您可以访问多种功能,将有利于你包括: 1。每日灵修家庭主题2。新闻和资源为您的家庭和工作的那些人代表的家庭。3。在您所在区域的辅导员名单。4。整个北美分会家庭事工事件日历5。復臨商店,如果你是一个家庭事工协调员在你的教会或会议或联盟总监,你会发现你可以在你的事工家庭的材料和资源的链接。 更多