Full Morse code translator. Get the most out of your phone. Translator with light, sound and vibration. Each letter you enter in the application will be converted to the corresponding Morse code. You can send messages using flash, sound or vibration of your phone. Have fun while learning this interesting code. It also includes a utility to use the flash on your phone as a flashlight. All in one. 全莫尔斯电码翻译。获取最出您的手机。翻译与光,声音和振动。你在应用程序中输入的每个字母将被转换为相应的莫尔斯电码。您可以发送邮件,使用闪光灯时,您的手机的声音或振动。有玩,一边学习这个有趣的代码。它还包括一个实用程序来使用您的手机上的闪光灯作为手电筒。尽在其中。 更多