MUST HAVE A MOBILELINK USERNAME AND PASSWORD IN ORDER TO USE THIS APP. StudentLink is a student accountability system that allows school administrators and parents to keep accountability of their students/children while in transit on school buses. This app allows bus drivers to see a live list of the students that are on their route. This live list shows the current status of each student on the bus route (i.e. pending, aboard, disembarked, or absent) by visual color-coding and textual descriptions. This app pulls live data from MobileLink's server every 20 seconds to provide bus drivers and school administrators with up-to-date information. This app supports the use of the Motorola MOTOTRBO™ Bluetooth Radios for wireless connection with the dispatch. In the newest versions of the MobileLink app, users can track an entire fleet of mobile DVRs in real time. Also, users can connect directly to an HSeries Mobile DVR and view live, streaming video from it. 必须有一个“随身宝用户名和密码才能使用这个程序。 StudentLink是一个学生,让学校管理者和家长,学生/儿童的校车在运输途中保持问责的问责制。这个程序允许巴士司机看到现场的学生,在他们的路线列表。这活的列表显示了每个学生通过视觉颜色编码和文字描述的巴士路线(即待,上船,下船,或缺乏)的当前状态。这个程序拉式“的服务器的实时数据每20秒提供巴士司机和学校管理人员提供最新信息。此应用程序支持使用摩托罗拉MOTOTRBO™蓝牙对讲机与调度的无线连接。随身宝的应用程序的最新版本,用户可以移动DVR的实时跟踪整个舰队。此外,用户可以直接连接到H系列移动硬盘录像机,查看现场,从它的流媒体视频。 更多