This app has been developed to provide more information on the beautiful items of jewellery and silverware to be found in the window displays of Cousins Jewellers in Canterbury. You will be able to learn more about the rare and wonderful gemstones the Cousins family incorporate into their beautiful jewellery in the context of the items on show, alongside the history of antique pieces. Effectively, this app is a guided tour of the window displays and, although the glossary of terms and 5 favourite items can be accessed at any time, the usefulness of the app is limited when the jewellery is not in view. Prices are subject to change as a result of fluctuations in the global commodities markets outside of our control. We will endeavour to update prices on the app with any changes to ticket prices, but the app must be maintained with the latest updates. In the event of discrepancy, the ticket price is absolute. Some Key Features: - The news feed allows you get the latest information and updates from Cousins Jewellers. - Our easy to use stock system allows you to enter a product code from our window display, and then be shown information regarding the item instantly. - You can favourite items you like, which then allows you to view a picture of it whenever you want. This also allows you to share your favourite item on Facebook and Twitter! - The glossary page provides you with a list of interesting terms that you may find on some of our products. Simply click a term you are interested in and a description of it will appear. - The contacts page provides you with multiple easy and convenient ways of contacting us. 这个应用程序已经开发出来,提供首饰和银器的美丽项目的详细信息,珠宝商的表兄弟在坎特伯雷的窗口显示被发现。您将能够更多地了解珍稀奇妙宝石的表兄弟家庭纳入其美丽的珠宝在展出的项目的背景下,旁边的古董的历史。 实际上,这个程序是窗口显示的导游,虽然条款及5喜爱的物品的词汇可以在任何时候访问,应用程序的用处是有限的,当珠宝不在视图。 价格如有改变,因为在我们的控制范围之外的全球大宗商品市场波动的结果。我们将努力与任何更改门票价格的应用程序更新价格,但应用程序必须保持最新的更新。在不一致的情况下,票价格是绝对的。 一些主要特点:- 新闻提要可以让你得到考辛斯珠宝商的最新信息和更新。- 我们的易于使用的股票系统,可以让你进入我们的窗口显示产品代码,然后就可以即时的项目显示的信息。- 你可以像你喜欢的物品,然后让你只要你想查看它的照片。这也可以让你在Facebook和Twitter分享您最喜爱的项目!- 术语表页面为您提供了有趣的方面,你可能会发现一些我们的产品清单。只需点击你感兴趣的以及它的描述将出现的一个术语。- 联系人页面提供与我们联系,多简单方便的方式。 更多