Developed in html, css and javascript directly to your mobile device with this handy IDE for Android. You can immediately preview the result of your work and to save the same output in your external storage. You can also use the Quick Search and Replace commands, and finally the profit function autocompletion of tags. Attention: You must submit button before to save. Release 1.7.3 - Now this project for Android is open source with license AGPL 3.0 - checkout on Note - In order to reopen the file html suggest using the application File Manager (Explorer)Note - Attention if you export to PDF content you must first press the 在HTML中,直接CSS和JavaScript开发的移动设备用这个方便的IDE为Android。您可以立即预览您的工作成果,并保存相同的输出在外部存储。您还可以使用快速搜索和替换命令,以及标签最后的利润函数自动完成。 注意:您必须保存之前提交按钮“预览结果”。 发布1.7.3 - 现在这个项目为Android与许可证AGPL 3.0开源 - 收银台上 注 - 为了重新打开HTML文件建议使用应用程序的文件管理器(资源管理器)注 - 注意,如果你导出为PDF的内容,你必须先按下“预览” 更多