Derived from the official Naval Uniform Regulations. Keep yourself and your shipmates looking their best by always wearing the proper uniform. Easily access all uniform regulations for quick reference. Please contact us immediately if you discover any errors in the content of this app. Please include a reference for the correct information. Ad-Supported for continued development and to enable all Sailors/Marines free access to this app.How it works: Each click/tap on an ad makes us a few cents or less (literally) at no cost to you, the user. Displaying the ads alone does not earn us any money whatsoever. Thank you for your support! Lastly, if there is an issue with the app please contact support, we will respond very quickly. Reviews are not meant for support requests. 从官方的海军制服条例而得。保持你自己和你同船水手寻找他们的最好的总是穿着整齐制服。轻松访问所有的统一规定,以便快速参考。 请您在此应用程序的内容,如发现任何错漏马上联系我们。请提供正确的信息参考。 广告支持的持续发展,使所有水手/海军陆战队员免费访问这个应用程序。工作原理:在一个广告的每一次点击/水龙头让我们几毛钱或更少(字面意思)在没有你的成本,用户。单独显示广告并没有任何我们赚什么钱。谢谢您的支持! 最后,如果有问题的应用程序,请联系技术支持,我们会很快做出反应。评价的目的不是用于支持请求。 更多