The Champions of Zulula return in a tale of brotherly love, redemption and crap. You didn't miss'em, but they're back anyway! The Champions of Zulula return in this hilarious strategy RPG. The vile Akolan declares himself overlord of Zulula and bans the tournament forever! Grunty the Cyclop, Ledouche the Knight and Oulette the Slime join forces along with other ex-champions to kick Akolan’s butt and bring the tournament back! * Turn-based strategy: Move your armies around the 10 different battlefields. Plus one bonus battlefield for the paid version.* Item system: More than 30 different items alter your characters' stats and powers.* Combat layer: Position your forces, establish a battle plan, then watch individual warriors execute your strategy in realtime simulated combat.* Deep, emotionally charged storyline of brotherly love, redemption and crap.* Returning champions include the Cyclop, Human Knight, Slime, Eye, Dog, Land Octopus, Stone Golem, Human Mage and Snakeman.* Among the minions of Akolan are the Dark Knight, Warlock, Slime, Mud Golem and Scorpak.* Face Yvan Shar Ooze, the horrific protoplasmic horror in his labyrinthine sewers!* Unlock Feint achievements.* Free, thanks to advertisements. The same team that gave you Champions of Zulula Elite Edition back in 1995 reunites to bring you the further adventures of Grunty and company! All in glorious retro-styled visuals and audio! Voluntarily rated for Strong Language, Cartoon Violence, Crass Humour and Alcohol Use. Become a fan on facebook and give us feedback! Visit our website for more information! *** Comments and Kudos *** - John a.k.a. Ogre Tactics Lover更多