Monitor your favorite sites and get notified about new products, plus products that match your custom search!Monitors deals.woot! See the most recent "fresh" deals, sponsored deals, and moofi! Configure how many products to download in Settings.It Talks! Hear notifications using Android's built-in text-to-speech capability. Put on headphones (wired or bluetooth) for discrete woot-off listening! FYI, the PHONE CALLS permission is needed so text-to-speech will know to stop talking when there's an incoming phone call.IMPROVED: For deals.woot junkies, added 5 and 10 minute normal Notification Update settings (but watch your battery and data usage!)Features:- Notification when new items show up on woot sites; customizable sound and update rate.- Product Notify - play a custom notification sound if a product name contains your search words.- It Talks! Hear notifications using Android's built-in text-to-speech capability. Put on headphones (wired or bluetooth) for d更多