Released in March 2013, the upgraded App offers faster load time, new navigation and more “technical” information on 20 of the most abundant American hardwood species. In addition to the basics - where it grows, main use, abundance - each hardwood profile includes a general description, working properties, physical properties, availability, workability, and now, strength and mechanical properties. Shown in clear, light, medium and dark finishes, to help visualize stain combinations of flooring, cabinetry, moulding and furniture co-existing in a single design space, each species profile also includes photos featuring the wood in finished applications. Located at, the American Hardwood Information Center is the authoritative resource for consumers and professionals seeking information about American Hardwoods. As a service of the Hardwood Manufacturers Association, the Center provides information on selecting hardwood species and building with American Hardwood products. It also offers advice from industry experts on decorating, care and maintenance and design trends. The Center’s goal is to promote the use of American Hardwoods in home and building products ranging from flooring, cabinetry and millwork to furniture and building materials. 2013年3月发布,升级后的应用程序提供更快的加载时间,新的导航和更“技术”的信息最丰富的美国硬木树种20。 除了基础 - 它生长的地方,主要用途,丰 - 每个硬木配置文件包括的一般性描述,工作性能,物理性能,可用性,可操作性,而现在,强度和机械性能。 清,淡,中,深饰面,染色组合的地板,橱柜,成型和家具共同存在于一个单一的设计空间可视化,每个品种配置文件还包括在成品应用为特色的木的照片。 位于在,美国硬木信息中心是权威的消费者和专业人士寻求有关美国硬木资源。硬木制造商协会的一项服务,该中心提供的信息,选择硬木树种,建设与美国硬木产品。它还提供从装潢,保养和维护和设计趋势的业内专家对意见。该中心的目标是在家庭和建筑产品,包括地板,家具和木制品,家具及建材的推广使用美国硬木。 更多