All Russian Coins helps users interested in collecting a set of coins keep track of which coins they already have. People have always been something collect. Coin collecting is perhaps one of the most interesting trends in collecting. "All Russian Coins" contains a description and pictures of coins of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic), the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the Russian Federation production from 1921 to the present.The program contains more than 1100 coins that are grouped under the following headings:* Circulating coins of the RSFSR (1921-1924)* Circulating coins of the USSR (1924-1991)* Commemorative coins of the Soviet Union (1965-1991)* Circulation coins of the Government Bank (1991-1992)* Circulating coins of the Bank of Russia (1997-2013)* Commemorative coins of the Russia Federation (1997-2013) * Events and Anniversaries (1, 2 roubles) * The 55th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 * Events and Anniversaries (Bi-Metallic) * Ministries (Bi-Metallic) * Ancient Towns of Russia Bi-Metallic) * The Russian Federation (Bi-Mettallic) * Events and Anniversaries (Steel) * Bicentenary of Russia's Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 * The XXII Olimpic GamesI hope you enjoy using the App, and please let me know if you have any issues or feedback. I hope to add more images and supported coin sets depending on what people are interested in. Thanks!Limitation:This app contains only english database of coins. Databases in other languages is planned.