Dive into the beautiful and breathtaking deep blue ocean with a glimpse of lively underwater sea life. The sunlight high above from crystal clear ocean surface beams through the depth of the blue ocean, together with animated coral that swing along with the sea current, and a school of fish swimming past the plankton, creates a magnificent scene that you would never forget. Ocean Blue 3D is a 3D live wallpaper that mimics the real life diving experience. Many customizations and options such as sea turtle, percula clown fish and the magnificent manta ray ,are available to make Ocean Blue 3D live wallpaper much lively and exciting. Ocean Blue 3D is also designed to adapt to your device background, so the tones of color match to your icons and homescreen. Thus, Ocean Blue 3D features silky smooth animation, while conserving your device battery at the same time.Optional pack, Sea Life Pack, is also available for in-app purchase to make Ocean Blue 3D much more exciting with more sea life and customization such as butterfly fish, tomato clown fish, manta ray, sea turtle and many more. Try it out now!Email us if you have any inquiry, technical question or even suggestion. We love to hear from you.Ocean Blue 3D is designed and developed by Kision Lab更多