Simple This is NOT a stand-alone widget. You must use Zooper Widget Pro! Love this widget? Rate it 5 stars! Requirements:Zooper Widget Pro - Utilities - launcher that supports resizing widgets such as Nova or Apex. 5x7 layout. Features:A simple clock and music player. Setup:Once installed create a new 5x2 widget. Resize it to 5x3 once it's made. You'll do this for both widgets.Click the widget.You'll see in the list in Zooper. Select it and then select one of widgets.Once open in Zooper adjust the scaling size to best fit.Hit the back button and the widget will be made. 简单这不是一个独立的部件。您必须使用Zooper的Widget Pro的!喜欢这个小工具?评分5颗星!要求:Zooper小工具临 -媒体工具 -支持调整大小的小部件,如新星或顶点A发射器。 5X7布局。功能:一个简单的时钟和音乐播放器。设置:一旦安装创建一个新的52小部件。调整大小以5X3一旦它做。你会为这两个部件做到这一点。单击窗口小部件。你会看到“简单”,在列表中Zooper。选择它,然后选择部件之一。一旦Zooper开调整缩放大小,以最合适的。点击后退按钮和小部件将会作出修改。更多