Turn your surrounding sound into relaxation.This app makes echoes of the sounds come into device's mic.Headphone needed.(Bluetooth also available)If your device's Android OS is less than 4, you might need external mic.Recommended situations : Train, Restaurant, Kitchen, ...You can hear a bunch of delayed sounds constantly.And words might lose their meanings (especially annoying speech, noise).* This app is Free version, has limitation in playing time each 3.5 minutes.* Pro version has no limitation in playing time.You can adjust delay jump, delay num, Left or Center or Right, output level, input level.You can save your adjustment to MySettings.You can load your setting from MySettings.This app has a function like Hearing Aid.To stop echoes properly when phone calls, this app accepts phone call event.icon materials used:http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/headphones-thin-outlined-tool_59447http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/ecg-lines_26589Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed under "Creative Commons BY 3.0" CC BY 3.0