As New Zealand’s first Korean born MP, I’m very proud to be part of this National-led Government.As a country made up of many different ethnicities, New Zealand is strengthened by its diverse heritage and rich culture. I’m honoured to represent the Korean community which is the third largest Asian population in New Zealand. The Korean settlement in New Zealand is still young and we are very proud to be Kiwis (often called KOWI - Korean Kiwi). I really appreciate the support and encouragement I get from the “KOWI” community.Moving from Korea at the age of 10, living in different countries and experiencing a variety of cultures before settling in New Zealand in 1988 has shaped who I am.The birth of my son in 1998 significantly shaped my goals for the future of this country. A very proud boy is my beacon, guiding me and confirming my resolve to work hard for all Kiwis regardless of their heritage or background.I’m ambitious for him and his friends. National is determined to ensure our young people have the opportunities they need to deliver on the potential and ambition we see in the young people we meet throughout the country. We want to see our young people have the skills and experience they need to succeed, to acquire productive jobs, and good living standards for them and their families, here in New Zealand. After all, it’s our young people who, more than any other group, will determine the future shape and prosperity of New Zealand. My office, based in Mt Albert, is open during the week. If you require any assistance we will be happy and ready to provide advice and support.***** Developed using ******更多