Looking back on a day, a week, a month from now, and wondering where the time went? Whether you're working, working out, eating takeout, or in time out, hours get snatched up these days before we know it. Where Did The Time Go is a lifestyle management app that tracks where you spent your time, letting you personalize your activities. Giving you the information you need so you can take control of your time and schedule, and know exactly where your time goes! 一天,一个星期,一个月,从现在回首,不知道时间的推移?无论您是工作,工作,吃外卖,或超时时间得到抢走了,这些天,我们才知道它。时间过得真快是一种生活方式的管理应用程序,可以追踪在哪里度过你的时间,让你个性化你的活动。给你你需要的信息,所以你可以把你的时间和进度的控制,并确切地知道你的时间去! 更多