To help the transplantation community stay abreast of recently published high level evidence in organ transplantation the Centre for Evidence in Transplantation (CET; has developed the Transplant Trial Watch app. The Transplant Trial Watch app provides a monthly overview of 10 recently published randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in solid organ transplantation. For each RCT record includes a summary of the trial, an assessment of the reporting of some methodological quality features, the main conclusions of the report written by the CET, and funding and trial registration information. There is also a direct link to the publisher’s website to access the journal’s abstract. If you hold a subscription you can also access the full text paper. RCTs are selected by the CET on the basis of quality or interest. Electronic publications ahead of print are listed as [record in progress]. Other Features of the Transplant Trial Watch include: BrowseYou can browse previous issues of the Transplant Trial Watch by organ or month. FavouritesYou can add articles that are of special interest to you to your own favourites. ShareEasily share the Transplant Trial Watch with colleagues via email. 为了帮助了解器官移植的移植中心的证据(欧洲中部时间;最近发表的高水平证据移植界住宿已开发出移植庭审直击程序。 移植试验观察应用程序提供10最近发表的随机实体器官移植的对照试验(RCT),每月概述。对于每一个随机对照试验记录包括试用的总结,一些方法学质量特性,写的四,六级考试的报告,以及资金和试验注册信息的主要结论的报告进行评估。还有一个直接链接到出版商的网站上访问该杂志的摘要。如果您持有的订阅也可以访问完整的文本文件。随机对照试验是由CET质量或兴趣的基础上进行选择。电子出版物提前打印被列为[正在进行中的记录。 移植试验观察的其它特性包括: 浏览您可以通过器官或每月浏览移植庭审直击以前的问题。 我的最爱您可以添加文章,是特别感兴趣的你自己的最爱的。 分享轻松地通过电子邮件与同事分享的移植试验观察。 更多