The purpose of MD5 Calculator is to calculate the MD5 of files Features:1. Calculate MD5 checksum of a file2. Compare a checksum of a file with known checksum in order to check the file integrity3. Compare files with their checksums Note :1. For those who need support please email to the designated email.Do NOT use either the feedback area to write questions, it is not appropriate and that is not guaranteed that can read them. Tags : calculator, MD5 , hash MD5计算的目的是计算文件的MD5 产品特点:1。计算文件的MD5校验2。为了检查文件的完整性进行比较与已知的校验文件的校验和3。文件与其校验和比较 注意:1。对于那些谁需要支持,请发送电子邮件到指定的邮件。不要使用任何反馈区写入的问题,这是不恰当的,并且不保证可以阅读它们。 标签:计算器,MD5哈希 更多