Hair Tutorial, hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers to the styling of hair, usually on the human scalp. The fashioning of hair can be considered an aspect of personal grooming, fashion, and cosmetics, although practical, cultural, and popular considerations also influence some hairstylesThroughout history, people have worn their hair in a wide variety of styles, largely determined by the fashions of the culture they live in. Hairstyles are markers and signifiers of social class, age, marital status, racial identification, political beliefs and attitudes about gender.In many cultures, often for religious reasons, woment believe in stiff hair, I believe in wearable, touchable hair.Waterfall Braid Hair TutorialVintage Half Upupside-down-french-braid-bununicorn-braided-bununicorn-braidtwo-ways-to-four-strand-braidTwisted-Waterfall-Braid-Tutorialtwisted-half-up-half-downTwisted-french-braidTwisted Side Bun from the Freckled FoxTwisted Low BunTwisted Low Bun 2Twist-it-twice-2top-knot-fullThe-Undone-Bunthe perfect braided plait from CosmopolitanThe Messy Braid Hair StyleThe Low Side BunThe Inside-Out BraidThe Boho Braid from the Beauty DepartmentvTailSuper Snake Braidsummer hairstyleSubtle BraidStacked Braidetc...........更多