Huntsville Hospital Med-Info KeeperFrom medical visits to medical emergencies, Med-Info will be your invaluable medical partner. Med-Info is provided free by Huntsville Hospital as a community service, and its focus is strictly on you and your family.Med-Info is a multiple-function personal and family medical information vault in the palm of your hand. You enter and securely store unlimited information about you and every member of your family, including your pets. Easy-to-use data banks are provided for personal information, medical history, medical and emergency contacts, medications with dosage, and all insurance plans with co-pays. Plus you can use the Emergency Medical Services feature to easily create a personal EMS profile for emergency first responders. You simply select from the information you’ve entered on your own health record any information you want to be available without the requirement of a security password. The selected information is immediately accessible with the official EMS widget on the smart device’s home screen, or with the EMS symbol on Med-Info’s main screen. Whether visiting a doctor or going for medical tests, the information needed for any medical form is in the palm of your hand. This is particularly beneficial when you have the responsibility for any other family member, from your children to your spouse to your aging parents or grandparents. No more wondering or questioning about medications, other physicians and their addresses and phone numbers, no more fumbling for insurance cards. And should you be rendered unconscious in a medical emergency, the information you select for access by EMS responders, such as allergies, medications, prior procedures and blood type, could save your life.You will also occasionally receive a short notification from Huntsville Hospital about events and services important to the health of you and your family, such as health fairs, health screenings, and important medical announcements, including the opportunity to register for some events right from your device.Other features of Med-Info include full GPS mapping and text directions for any entered street address, and internet access for any entered web address.更多