Book your Hotel through your favorite Portal like and Expedia with our satisfaction Guarantee.What do you get?Money back if not satisfied. Not the entire amount, but more than a consolation prize.If, your hotel turns out to be a disappointment you will receive reimbursement of minimum 20 EUR or $20.How does it work?It's actually pretty simple. For every booking that is generated through our app we receive 2-3% commission from each Hotel Portal.That may not sound like very much per booking, but the key is in the quantity of bookings and that sure adds up fast :-)We combine all the money in one collective pot, which we use to pay your reimbursement.It's similar to Insurance with one small but very important difference, that no one needs to make a deposit.One email to us is all it takes!InfoEven though all Portals want you to believe they charge you no Facilitator fee....They still do so!In the end the Hotel has to pay 10-25% to the Facilitator.Our savvy common sense already tells us that Portals have to survive and profit from something!