With Time Share you can easily share date and time in many different formats to applications that can receive text at sharing, for instance email clients or note applications like Evernote. The time can be shared as both message or subject. The application can also copy date and time to the clipboard to be available for you to past into any editable text area. After installation of Time Share, three new icons will be available in the launcher. One for sharing date and time, one for copy date and time to clipboard and one icon for settings. You can set if you would like to choose application to 'share to' when launching the time share icon or if you would like to automatically share to the same application every time. You can also let the time copy launcher automatically start an application after copy. The user can also choose to access these functionalities from the status bar. The purpose with this application is to demonstrate the functionality. See http://goo.gl/awYsa for the full version. Tags: Timeshare 随着时间分享,您可以轻松地共享的日期和时间在许多不同的格式,可以在共享接收短信息,例如电子邮件客户端或笔记应用,如Evernote的应用程序。该时间可以被共享为两信息或主题。以供您的应用程序也可以复制的日期和时间到剪贴板以往任何可编辑文本区域。 安装的时间分享后,三个新的图标将在发射器可用的。一个共享的日期和时间,一个副本的日期和时间到剪贴板并设置一个图标。您可以设置如果您想选择应用程序“份额”发射时间共享图标,或者如果你想自动每次共享同一个应用程序时。您也可以让即时复制启动自动启动复制后的应用程序。 用户也可以选择从状态栏访问这些功能。 与此应用程序的目的是为了演示的功能。见http://goo.gl/awYsa的完整版本。 标签:分时度假 更多