Using the RedAlert software by Alpine. This software takes the SMS updates and extrapolates the address. Using the given address it will create a notification, when the notification is clicked it will start a navigation to the location. This has been tested in West Webster FD in NY. To everyone who says that the application doesn't work, this application does NOT get the messages from the dispatcher. This application simply takes the messages that you already receive and generates the navigation. Donations would be greatly appreciated, Help keep the app free. Key Words:Fire Fighter Firefighting Pager 使用软件由高山的RedAlert。该软件将SMS更新和推断的地址。使用给定的地址,它会创建一个通知,通知被点击时,它会启动一个导航的位置。 这已经过测试,在纽约州西部韦伯斯特FD。 大家说,应用程序不工作,这个应用程序没有得到消息的调度。此应用程序只需要你已经收到的消息,并生成导航。 捐款将不胜感激,帮助保持应用程序的自由。 关键词:消防战士消防传呼机的 更多