SMR7 is a comprehensive field marketing solution for the rapid collection and reporting of retail merchandising tasks, compliance, store activities, audit and competitor intelligence. The SMR7 solution features extensive configuration to suit many project requirements and delivers high quality PDF reports, dashboard portals, email and text alerts in real time. SMR7 has been in use by well known brands around the world for over 10 years, and captures many thousands of store visits every day. Some of the features include: - Real-Time consolidated field reporting. - Extensive self-service configuration. - Unlimited Stores, Products & Questions. - Calendar & Date List Visit Scheduling. - Non-Linear Audit Questions and Tasks. - Rich response library including photos, voice & signatures. - Required and Conditional Items. - Selectively include Products & Questions by Territory, Type, Store and more. - Location tagged audits & photos for customer compliance. - Web reporting dashboard with gorgeous real-time charts & widgets. - Extensive PDF Report library. - Configure rule based email, text & twitter alerts. - Comprehensive REST API for full data exchange. - International support, training & consulting.更多