Bluetooth Car Mode Starter is a simple application that allows you to start car mode when your device is connected to a Bluetooth device. Similarly, car mode is disabled when that device disconnects. Why is this different from other automation applications?Bluetooth Car Mode Starter ensures that no duplicate toggles are made, this means that if you have an application that detects car mode and does stuff upon that, it will only detect car mode once.Plus, it's open source. This application doesn't do anything on Android 4.2, am I missing something?No, Google removed a huge part of Car Mode in Android 4.2, luckily, workarounds exist for rooted users:Install Xposed Framework and this 蓝牙车载模式入门是一个简单的应用程序,允许你启动汽车模式,当您的设备连接到蓝牙设备。同样,汽车模式时禁用该设备断开。 这是为什么从其他自动化应用程序有什么不同?蓝牙车载模式入门确保没有重复的切换,这意味着,如果你有一个应用程序,用于检测汽车模式和没有的东西时,它只会一次检测车模式。此外,它是开源的。 此应用程序在Android 4.2中没有做任何事情,我失去了一些东西?没有在Android 4.2,谷歌删除了一个巨大的一部分,租车模式,幸运的是,解决方法有扎根的用户:安装 Xposed框架和这 更多