狮子座的星座是狮子 - 说一个事实,即主要是说在这个星座出生的人的一切。狮子座是自信,有事业心和鼓舞他人!他们准备给自己的一切,超过任何人在代表他们的方式,以获得他们已经前往。他们一般都是自命不凡,盛气凌人,但良好的原因,尝试使用 - 尽可能。 这很奇怪,在此基础上,要知道,狮子座也是相当戏剧性的和徒劳的 - 狮子座的目标是自己的目标,并没有达到它作为一个相当大的个人失败计数。不被人误解,然而,当狮子座发现了自己的同类的人 - 一个自信,雄心勃勃的人 - 狮子座变得既令人鼓舞,忠于这个人 - 他们成为他们的老师和朋友们。 对那些试图站在他们的方式,不过......我们只想说,如果你是在一个个人或一个专业的战斗,你的“敌人”看到你的狮子座动态壁纸,将是一个公平的警告... 下载后,你不需要互联网连接,享受应用。此应用程序将无法从互联网上下载的影片。一旦下载和享受,直到永远。这个免费的应用程序的广告支持,并可能包含广告的通知托盘和/或主屏幕 如何安装: 一旦你已经下载这个活的壁纸图标将不会出现在您的主屏幕。要激活的应用程序和访问设置点击“菜单”按钮,选择“壁纸”,然后选择“即时壁纸”。向下滚动到现场壁纸图标,然后按“选择”墙纸“,以激活应用程序。 The Zodiac sign for the Leo is a lion – a fact that says mostly everything there is to say about the people born in this sign. The Leo is confident, ambitious and encouraging to others! They’re ready to give their all, and go over anyone who stands in their way, to get where they’ve headed to. They are generally pretentious and domineering, but try and use this in good causes – whenever possible. It’s quite strange, based on this, to know that the Leo is also pretty melodramatic and vain – what the Leo aims for is their own goal, and not reaching it counts as a pretty big personal failure. Not to be misunderstood, however, when the Leo notices a person of their own kind – a confident and ambitious person – the Leo becomes both encouraging and loyal to this person – they become both their teacher and their friends. Towards those who try to stand in their way, however… Let’s just say that if you’re in a personal or a professional battle, having your “enemies” see your Leo Live Wallpaper, would be a fair warning… After the download you don't need internet connection to enjoy the application. This application will not download videos from the internet. Download once and enjoy for ever. This free app is ad supported and may contain ads in the notification tray and/or home screen HOW TO INSTALL: Once you have downloaded this live wallpaper the icon will not appear in your homescreen. To activate the application and access the settings tap on the "Menu" button select "Wallpapers" then select "Live Wallpapers". Scroll down to the live wallpaper icon and press "select wallpaper" to activate the application.更多