Dive into adventure and fun with this art tiny turtle. The turtle knows hows to swim but it needs your guidance to find way out of the underwater caves. Help it to escape the ers of wildlife - and there are many!Fiendishly difficult tap to make the turtle swim up, or he will be dragged to the sea floor. Navigate your way through the obstacles and get the best score you can!- Great game to spend time and have fun- Entertainment for the entire family- Top arcade and action game.- Beautiful adventure that explores the underwater world- Race for you life- Free, Free, Free.Download Now to enjoy most addictive game on your Android Wear Smartwatch. Teensy Studios - Bringing fun to your Android Wear watch! We are an indie game studio, with a tight, innovative and creative team of developers and designers. We are here to revolutionize the social gaming experience of game players by embedding features in our games that make them easy to play in bitesize chunks, but socially!.How to launch an app on wearable:You can adopt any of these two methods given below to launch this game..Method 1 : via Voice CommandYou can give a voice command by using ‘OK Google’ or whatever the phrase you have set for ‘voice search’ and name the app. It will directly lead you to the app..Method 2: via Start MenuIf you are unable to launch any app via ‘Voice Command’, You can follow the steps given below to launch the app.- Tap on the screen of your wearable watch- Go down the menu that appears and you will find ‘Start’ at the end of the menu. - Tap on ‘Start’- You will find the list of wearable apps that are installed on your watch.- Launch the app from the list. .How to link your Android wearable with Phone:.If you have not link your artphone with your wearable watch, then please follow the steps to link it. After integration, will be able to launch the installed apps. - Turn on the bluetooth on artphone.- Install ‘Android Wear’ app on your artphone.- After installation, go to ‘pair a new wearable’ in ‘Android Wear’ app.- Select the wearable device from the list.- Your wearable watch is connected to your artphone. .FOLLOW US FOR UPDATES AND NEWShttp://www.systudios.com/https://www.facebook.com/systudioshttps://www.twitter.com/systudioshttp://www.pinterest.com/systudioshttps://plus.google.com/+Teensystudiosofficial更多