This is a logical game for two players. The rules are similar to popular games such as Gomoku, Connect 4, Tic-Tac-Toe or 4-in-a-row but in three dimensions. The players take turns by placing stones of distinct colors onto the playing board. The playing area consists of 16 poles, spaced in a square. On each pole, at most four stones can be placed.The player wins, if he or she manages to place four stones of his color in a row. This row can be oriented in arbitrary direction - this means vertically or horizontally or diagonally.Can you beat our AI?Main features:- entertaining logical game- several difficulty settings- playable for two players on single device- playing with AI- beautiful 3D graphics with dynamic shadowsDeveloper note:- this is BETA release. More features are coming soon. Please, send us Your critics and comments or feature requests to更多