Unlike other dictionaries you might have on your device, TapTap Word lets you look up the definition of words in the application you are running, without leaving the application! No ads. Be it a web browser or a document viewer - if you can copy a word in it, you can then tap-tap (or pull-tap) our notification icon, and our software will show the definition of the word on top of the application you are running. You can let the definition disappear automatically, or you can tap-tap (or pull-tap) to dismiss it sooner, or use our fun "flip-to-dismiss" feature! It's very convenient when you just want to quickly look up a word (in the application you are running). Currently TapTap Word looks up English words and shows their definition in English only.TapTap Word looks up words in an online database, located in US. Thus, network connection is required. However, it does not consume processing power or network connection while it is idle.Required user permissions: (1) Network communication - full internet access: to access the online dictionary. (2) Network communication - view network state: to test whether your device currently can access the internet (and thus the online dictionary). (3) Phone calls - read phone state and identity: to promptly dismiss the definition box when the phone is ringing.Note that if the online dictionary used by TapTap Word changes their data format, TapTap Word will have to be revised to work properly. Hopefully, this won't happen often, but please do check back for revisions. If you enjoy this software, please consider leaving a review here! Any problem, question, or suggestion? Email us. Thanks!更多